How Drinking While TTC Affects Your Fertility & Pregnancy

social drinking while trying to get pregnant

Some of these women may have consumed alcohol before they knew they were pregnant, a strong reason to stop drinking if you are trying to conceive. If you drank before you knew you were pregnant, the key is to stop drinking as soon as possible, and to seek prenatal care to assess the risks and take steps to mitigate the impact. When you’re trying to conceive you want to be as healthy as possible and create the optimum conditions for conception and pregnancy.

Where can I get more information about FASDs?

The list of possible health risks to a developing baby include congenital abnormalities, developmental delays, cognitive disabilities, low birth weight, preterm delivery, and stillbirth. Research has shown even minimal exposure to alcohol during pregnancy can have significant and lifelong health effects. One problem is that not all possible negative impacts of alcohol on a developing fetus have been examined. The most compelling research on drinking in pregnancy shows that children may experience lifelong learning challenges if exposed to alcohol during the first trimester. According to one comprehensive research review, for each week a person consumes any amount of alcohol during the first five to 10 weeks of pregnancy, their risk of miscarriage rises by 8%.

Health goal

  • Even men who consume alcohol while participating in IVF saw an increased risk of miscarriage.
  • For heavy drinkers, Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian Dysfunction is a common disorder.
  • Then, you can be completely sure that alcohol will not affect your child in any way.

There is no safe type of alcoholic beverage to consume while pregnant. For example, red wine is no safer than white wine, beer, or mixed drinks, since all contain alcohol. If you’re expecting a baby, it is important to avoid drinking alcohol. Read on to learn why, and find answers to common questions parents may have about drinking during pregnancy.

social drinking while trying to get pregnant

If I drank when I was pregnant, does that mean my baby will have an FASD?

social drinking while trying to get pregnant

Alcohol consumed by a pregnant person can reach the fetus and interfere with development of the brain and other body organs. A child exposed to alcohol before birth may face a lifetime of challenges from what are called fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Testosterone, a crucial hormone for males, also suffers from heavy Alcoholics Anonymous alcohol consumption.

How common is prenatal alcohol exposure?

We now know that there are better ways to get iron, prenatal vitamins and what is social drinking spinach being among them. Unfortunately, many women find themselves in the stressful position of having this conversation with their doctors. The CDC reports that as many as three million women drink and have unprotected sex, putting them at risk of exposing their unborn baby to alcohol without intending to do so. Plenty of babies have been conceived after a few too many tequilas (wink wink, nudge nudge)!

social drinking while trying to get pregnant

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